
YogiSmart uniquely blends yoga philosophy with play-based learning to promote a life long love of learning! Yoga brings a plethora of benefits like stress-busting tricks, mindfulness magic, healthy routines, and spreading kindness. And that's not all - playing while learning hypes up teamwork, brain power, and emotional growth.

At our children's workshops kiddos will munch on tips about nutrition, groove with movement, and bond with self, others, and nature. The fun doesn't stop there - through our professional development offerings educators and families get a front-row seat to learn about play-based learning and early childhood best practices.

Let the adventure begin!



Healthy Snacks



Students are like sponges soaking up knowledge, especially when it comes to munching on healthy snacks! But hold onto your lunchboxes - research suggests that while students could use 40-50 hours of nutrition wisdom to level up their snacking game, schools usually dish out 8 hours. Imagine the possibilities if they had more food for thought! This education not only connects good eating with happy vibes but also turns kids into snack superheroes making smart choices. It's time to turn those carrot sticks into magic wands!

Research Shows: Healthy Eating Learning Opportunities and Nutrition Education


Yoga Poses


Music and Movement

Regular exercise is like a magical potion for your body, giving you a supercharged heart, brawny bones, toned muscles, a trim figure, a happier mind, and a shield against health woes. Surprisingly, only a handful of kiddos (24%) hit their daily activity goals. Little tots aged 3 and below are encouraged to get in 3 hours of playtime. 

Research Shows: Chapter 3. Active Children and Adolescents


Self Expression



When young people have  positive relationships with peers and grown-ups, they steer clear of trouble, dive into positive activities, ace those grades, and reduce stress and gloomy thoughts.

Reference: Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC)


Connecting Practices

Movement Control

Social Adaptability

Listening and Communication Skills

Language and Literacy Development

Self- regulation

Language and Understanding

Listening and Sound Recognition

Co-operate with the facilitator

 Follow simple and more complex instructions

Math and Language Fundamentals

Body Awareness

Physical Development

School Readiness

Creative Expression


Cognitive Development

Gross and Fine Motor Skills