
YogiSmart combines yoga philosophy with play-based learning theory to ignite a lifelong passion for learning. Discover stress-relieving yoga practices, cognitive enhancements, and abundant emotional growth. Children can engage in workshops centered on nutrition, physical activity, and social-emotional development, as well as enjoy tutoring infused with playfulness. Grown-ups can explore the playful side of learning through professional developmentĀ  and training opportunities. Embark on these playful adventures today!


Kids Yoga

We host engaging children's workshops with fun activities, healthy snacks, and opportunities to build connections in diverse locations like homes, schools, and churches.


We offer tailored reading and writing tutoring for young students in pre-K to 3rd grade, through one-on-one and group sessions with a focus on individual attention, especially for those struggling with early literacy.

PD & Trainings

We bring magic to early childhood education through high-quality training focused on play-based learning and best practices, fostering play in education.


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